Saturday 18th May – Mt Augustus to Kennedy Range National Park

Sunrise at Mt Augustus
Another glorious sunrise this morning before heading off to Kennedy Range National Park.  Good to see people with a sense of humour!!  Just before Cobra Station there was a speed camera sign.  A little further along there was a sign “eggs for sale” at the beginning of a driveway.  Just behind it was another sign, saying Danger – No entry.  Not sure how you would get the eggs.

Arrived at Temple Gorge (the Kennedy Range camp site) at lunch time to be met by the camp hosts Barrie and Mary who announced that he knew we were coming – he had been talking to Neil from Mt Augustus.  Opened up the camper to discover quite a bit of dust at the rear.  Discovered that one of the catches had broken.  Wired it up and hopefully have fixed it well enough to exclude further dust.  Some added gaffer on the gap should do the trick.  Fortunately the catch is on the back do which is opened so that you can access the draw under the bed when the camper is closed up.  We don’t need to open this when we have the camper open every day so should be ok.

After lunch we drove to Honeycomb Gorge carpark and walked to the gorge.  Where it opens out at the end into an amphitheatre there are these amazing honeycomb cliffs.  I’ve never seen anything like it before.  In the wet season there would be a waterfall and a pool at the base of the cliff.  None there today!!  We had fun clapping, banging rocks together etc and listening to the echo.

Honeycomb Gorge

Back at camp for nibbles and drinks and then dinner (beef curry) around the campfire.
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