Saturday 25th May 2013 – Cape Range National Park

A little bit of rain overnight!

After breakfast this morning we drove the short distance to Pilgonaman Gorge.  There were lots of black footed rock wallabies sunning themselves on the ledges of the gorge – gorgeous animals.  There was also a surprising variety of vegetation in the gorge.  There must be water not too far down.

Pilgonaman Gorge
Black Footed Rock Wallaby

Later we drove further south to Yardie Creek and walked to the beginning of Yardie Creek Gorge.  There’s lots of water here.  Apparently the only creek in the range.  On our way back we called into some of the other camping areas.

Yardie Creek
Back at camp we had a the emus back quietly going about their business of grazing on the shrubbery in the area.
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