Sunday 5th May – Coward Springs to Coober Pedy

Prue and Greg, the owners of Coward Springs keep the place very tidy and since our last time here (1994) there has been a museum set up in a restored railway building – very interesting.

We backtracked a few kilometres to see the mound springs – ‘Blanche Cup’ and ‘The Bubbler’.  It’s amazing how they grow themselves out of this flat country.  They must be at least 5 metres above the surrounding countryside.  ‘The Bubbler’ living up to its name was particularly active, bubbling away.

First stop was William Creek (permanent population – 2) where we called at the pub for a coffee and chat.  They even had soy milk.  From here they do regular flights over Lake Eyre and there were 4 or 5 planes lined up near the pub.

After William Creek we turned off the Oodnadatta track onto the road to Coober Pedy.  It was very difficult to find a lunch spot as there were no trees and lots of flies.  Consequently it was a very quick stop just off the road beside some ruins.

On to Coober Pedy where Mark and Karen and the Benham’s set up in the Stuart Range Caravan Park ($27 per night – unpowered).  The others decided they needed real beds and have found cabins/motel rooms for the three night stay here.  A quick swim in the freezing water at the swimming pool before dinner.

Dinner tonight at Tom and Mary’s Greek Taverna – very nice too.  Alex had Mousaka and Jill, Whiting.

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