Tuesday 21st May 2013 – Quobba Station to Exmouth

On the way back to the highway we again called into Point Quobba – much more spectacular this morning.  A fisherman on the rock was doing well with a catch of quite large fish.  Drove up to the Point Quobba Lighthouse where there are quite good views along the coast. It’s amazing how little tree growth there is along this coast.

Quobba Blowholes

Quobba Lighthouse

Called into the Minilya Roadhouse on out way north where a market was in progress – the same stalls we had seen the day before at Carnarvon.

Coral Bay was pretty spot – beautiful sparkling blue water with waves breaking on the outer reef – the southern end of Ningaloo.  The town is mainly caravan parks and other accommodation for holiday makers.  We had lunch at Finns – Thai fish burgers (Jill’s without the bun). 

Coral Bay
Lots of ant hills beside the road on our drive into Exmouth – they’re quite weird shapes, different to any we have on the eastern coast.

We had been told to call in at the Prawn Factory on the way into town but there was a sign out the front that there was no sale to the public as they now have a shop in town.

Set up camp at the Ningaloo Caravan and Camping Resort and headed to town to shop (Spelt bread) and prawns.  Retired to Marg, Arthur, Kay and Phill’s “chalet” for a prawn dinner on their balcony – this was after a very nice gelato at Pinocchio’s Restaurant (at the caravan park).
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