Friday 3rd May – Birdsville to Mungerannie

Did a load of washing and filled up with water and fuel.  Then a coffee at the Birdsville Bakery before ‘hitting’ the road.  We decided to take the Inside Track seeing it has recently been opened for the first time in about 10 years.  Apparently it was graded about ten days ago.  It was quite easy running although a bit sandy in places which increased the fuel consumption (pulling the camper trailer) to almost 16 litres per 100 km.  Usually we have been getting 13 – 14.  Speed wise we were able to get along at 75 to 80kph.  After the ‘Inside Track’ we were back on the main Birdsville Track and a quick toilet stop at clean flushing roadside toilets - in the middle of 'nowhere', just amazing.

Then on to Mungerannie for the night.  There was some confusion re the spelling with some signs spelling it with one n.  We discovered later that the reason for this was that in the days of telegraph the name was so long that it was treated as two words with the accompanying additional cost.  To save money one n was dropped so there are two spellings used.  The correct spelling is two ns because the word Annie means near water and Mungerannie is indeed beside a lovely waterhole with lots of bird life (corellas, pink eared ducks, grebes, etc etc) and a hot pool which we thoroughly enjoyed a little later in the day.  After setting up camp, however, we retreated to the pub (the only building at Mungerannie) for a few drinks and a relax in the relative cool.  The barman, Phil (a bit of a character) told us lots about the area and put on a video of the re-enactment of the last mail run by Tom Cruise from Birdsville to Marree in a restored Leyland Badger.  Camping cost was $10 per person per night.

Waterhole at Mungerannie

Spaghetti Bolognese for dinner (Jennie and Jill) followed by a desert of meringue nests, canned mango, cherries and passionfruit with cream and yoghurt (Kay).

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