Sunday 7th September 2014 - Rarotonga

We awoke around 7:30am and went for a walk. Aroa is a small village so there are a few streets. All the houses are concrete block (not much millable timber on the island apparently). There are lots of living fences made from various plants which are a bit cute. We saw quite a lot of sweet potato which had just been planted. There were also lots of chooks everywhere - and dogs and a few goats and a single cow.

A living fence
Our morning walk
Back to Lagoon Breeze for breakfast and then a trip to the office to check on booking a hire car for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and to have a chat about options for the next few days.

We looked after CandC while Damian and Sarah went for a paddle in the kayak (available from Lagoon Breeze). Christopher and I spent some time in the pool and Jill and Charlotte joined us when Charlotte woke up. When Damian and Sarah returned, Jill and I headed off in the kayak along the coast as far as the Rarotongan Beach Resort a little along the coast. The water is incredibly clear and we do need to get in for that snorkel sometime soon.

On our return Jill and I set off for a takeaway (we had seen as we were paddling) to check it out for lunch. The fish and chips and salad was quite satisfactory. We then walked on to the Rarotongan Resort to have a look. It was much more upmarket and very pleasant but we're quite happy with the quieter atmosphere of the Lagoon Breeze.

After a bit of a rest we headed off to Coco-Putt, a mini golf course and bar just down the road. As it was a buffet dinner and live music night (with golf thrown in) we booked in. The golf was fun, the music most enjoyable and the meal 'to die for'. Excellent meats and plenty of salad plus deserts much better than the usual buffet affair. Coco-Putt would have to be the best value meal in the Cook Islands (not that we have had too many to compare with) – with drinks it all came to about $50 each.

There was a little bit of rain while we were at Coco-Putt but it fined up long enough for us to walk the few hundred metres back to Lagoon Breeze.
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