Tuesday 21st July Koonchera Dune to Birdsville

The ripples in the sand on the top of the dune were very photogenic and there were also also lots of animal prints in the sand.

Packed up and drove to Birdsville.  Saw two brolgas on the side of the road.

It's always great to see Brolgas
A few kilometres before Birdsville we crossed yet another border - from South Australia back into Queensland.

The Birdsville Track crosses the border back into Queensland
Arriving at Birdsville it was straight to the Bakery for coffee.

The Birdsville Bakery - the Sturt's Desert Peas are quite amazing
Jill and I then set up camp in the Birdsville Caravan Park while the others headed for Motel rooms at the pub.  Jill did a couple of loads of washing and we spent the afternoon having showers, catching up on emails, facebook and the like.

Dinner was at the Green Lizard Bar at the Birdsville Pub after wine and nibblies in Dave's motel room.

The first beer at the Birdsville Pub always tastes good.
The Green Lizard name came about some years ago when the whole town was isolated by flood water for weeks.  The pub ran out of beer and eventually the only alcohol left was creme de menthe and lemonade (Green Lizard!).  The meals were good and hearty.

Back to camp - washing is dry!
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