Wednesday 15th July 2015 - Tibooburra to Strzelecki Desert

Behind the Caravan Park is a rocky hill which we climbed to the top of before breakfast.  The landscape around Tibooburra is amazing.  So many rocks as far as the eye can see.

Morning at Tibooburra
Breakfast was grapefruit juice, Jill's yummy home made paleo granola with apple puree, coconut yogurt and banana - real gourmet stuff.  We then packed up and headed to the road house to wait for the others (we had filled up the previous evening at the Trading Post).  Coffee, post cards end a few bits and pieces while we waited.

First stop was just out of town - Balancing Rock which is a pretty incredible formation balancing on three points.  You can actually look through the gap underneath.

Balancing Rock

From here it was on to Cameron Corner.  There has been recent rain out here and the yellow daisy like flowers are quite spectacular - especially where the soil is particularly red.  At one place there was also a huge claypan to cross.

We called into Camp Grey just before the border for lunch.  It's amazing to think that Charles Sturt carted his boat out here in search of the inland sea.

At Cameron Corner a hole was dug and one of three posts we are carting with us 'planted'.  The post simply recognise the fact that we were here in July 2015.  The corner peg itself recognises the fact that John Cameron originally surveyed the corner (New South Wales/Queensland/South Australia) in 1882-83.

Cameron Corner
From Cameron Corner we headed west into the Strzelecki Desert.  We kept a look out for Jennie's Camp where we had camped for a couple of days waiting for the road to dry out on a previous trip, but didn't find it.  It had been Jennie;s birthday so we really enjoyed our enforced stay with a 'formal dinner', and birthday decorations - even a cake.

We camped 50km west of Cameron Corner between the dunes.  The wildflowers here were just amazing - even some Cunningham's Birdflower.  We heard dingos when we first arrived but saw no other signs.

For dinner we had pumpkin soup which Jennie had bought from home, corned beef and onions and potatoes wrapped in foil and baked in the coals.
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