Sunday 11th October - Fiume Game Lodge

Up and away at 8am after breakfast (juice, fruit salad, yoghurt, bacon and eggs with coffee - pretty well the standard for lodges along with cereal for those who want it).  

First stop was Rundu for fuel and a coffee stop at Wimpi (terrible coffee) and then the supermarket to buy a few bits and pieces.  It was here that we had a bit of an Opps!! moment when the vehicle locked itself with the keys still inside.  After walking around the vehicle for some time trying all the windows and Ian phoning the hire company, we ended up breaking one of the small rear windows and climbing through to retrieve the keys.  With keys retrieved Richard and I taped up the window with cardboard while Ian cleaned up the broken glass (after Jill went back to the shop to buy a dustpan and brush).

Back in the car, we ate our lunch while going along to catch up a bit on time - quite comfortable in the air conditioning anyway.

We have now left the River Parks and are driving into much drier country.  This was obvious when we arrived at Fiume Lodge.  

No camping beside a river here - and no safaris for that matter.  They did, however, have a waterhole close to the lodge which was frequented by three ostriches and about 8 chicks.  The chicks could actually walk underneath the fence and eat the grass on "our side" - very cute.  Also saw Blesbok (not endemic to the area) Springbok, Giraffe, Impala and Eland.  The Eland will be the biggest antelope we will see and are quite grand.  Apparently, the larger female antelopes are called cows (and their young, calves) and the smaller ones, ewes (and lambs).

We had a restful afternoon including a swim and some bird watching - including Drongos, Hornbills, Babblers and that striking Crimson Breasted Shrike.

Dinner here was very good (a roast) and Jill even had a desert which wasn't just fruit - pear in a red wine sauce.
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