Friday 9th October 2015 - Namushasha Lodge

Up early this morning to go on a morning safari, however our guide, Rector didn't get the message for the early start so we were a little later getting away than expected - some sought of communication problem.  We have learn't all about TIA (this is Africa) - a bit like 'Mullumbimby Time' I think.  

Eventually, when we got away it was back down to yesterday's boat to travel along the river to where the Lodge vehicles are parked.  We were driving in the Sisuwe section of the Bwabwate National Park and saw quite a lot of water birds, various antelope and a huge herd of elephants.  

The elephants were heading towards the river, were 4-5 abreast and took 10 minutes to pass. There must have been several hundred in the group. We also found a recently dead baby elephant.  It had a snare around its leg which was probably part of the reason for its death.  Our guide didn't seem to see anything sinister about it.  Apparently, the locals use snares to catch antelope like impala outside the park and occasionally animals wander across the river and are entrapped.  Nearby the monkeys were kicking up a din indicating the likelihood that a leopard was about.  We actually heard it call out and a bit later saw leopard tracks.  We also had a leopard (sausage) tree pointed out to us.  The tree is a favourite spot for the leopard to hide and drop on unsuspecting game.  

Back in Namushasha we were quite late for breakfast so just had drinks and waited for lunch.  

We then had a restful afternoon including a swim in their pool.  We couldn't believe how cold the water was.

Dinner on the deck again was very pleasant

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