Sunday 20th September 2015 - Brisbane to Dubai.

We flew out of Brisbane at 2:30 in the morning on Emirates EK433 after hanging around the airport from around 10 pm. We had been dropped off at Robina station at 7:30 to catch the last train to the airport.

Southern Africa Travellers
There are five of us on this trip to Southern Africa.   Regular travelling companions Richard and Jennie and Jennie's sister Wendy.   Waiting in airports is usually pretty boring but Jill and I did manage to grab something to eat - Whiting and chips and some very delicious sweet potato chips.

First stop was Dubai via Singapore.  We have a four-day layover in Dubai which should give us enough time to explore the Emerite.  The advantage of talking off at 2:30 is that you can at least get some sleep (as well as one can sleep in an aeroplane seat).  The plane, a Boeing 777-300 was well appointed, as they usually are these days and as well as some shut eye we had the choice of more movies then you could see in 10 years.   The meals, however, were nothing to write home about.

Brisbane to Singapore
The stop in Singapore 7.45 hours later was just a fueling stop but we had to get off the plane and then go through the x-ray machines again to get back on.   Talk about a palaver.  We did manage to get a decent cup of coffee which we could pay for with Australian dollars (change in Singaporean dollars).

Back on the plane for the final 7+ hours to Dubai.   The meal this time was much better. Fish for me,  chicken for Jill.  As we flew out of Singapore we noticed how smokey it was.   There had been reports in the media this week about clearing and burning in Borneo.   Apparently Malaysia is really coping it.

Flying into Dubai
We arrived in Dubai a little after 12:30pm.  After getting through customs we headed for an ATM to get some local currency (2.64 AED Dirham to the A$1) and then to Costa Coffee.  You never seem to be able to get a decent cup of coffee on a plane - always luke warm to start with. Costa was a bit like old times as we had visited the chain regularly in England some years ago.

It was then outside into the 42 degree C heat.  We expected it to be warm but it was still quite a shock to the system.  We had hoped to grab a maxi taxi to get us to our hotel but ended up with two taxis.  There didn't seem to be any explanation, other than they were different companies, that one was a bit over 30 Dirham and the other over 60.  I'm sure the flash black one did no better a job.

On arriving at our hotel we had to wait around for some time to be processed.  We then all collapsed into bed and woke up 4 hours later at 8:30pm.

After showers, we ventured out to get something to eat.  It is still hot at 10pm at night.  The hotel gave us directions to a shopping centre (air-conditioned of course).  Inside it felt like 2pm rather than 10pm.  Even at the food court it looked like 2pm considering the number of people eating - including kids.  After some shopping at the supermarket and a screw back in Jill's glasses, it was back through the heat to the hotel.

Nightlife in Dubai
Midnight at this stage.  Time to post the blog and then off to bed.
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