Tuesday 13th October 2015 – Etosha National Park (Okaukuejo)

Today we travelled across the bottom section of the park.  Etosha means “Great White Place” a name which comes from the fact that much of the area is covered by the Etosha Pan, a salt lake covering 4,731 square kilometres (110km by 60km).  From Namatoni we travelled to Halali (where we had lunch) visiting lots of waterholes along the way.

Early in the day we came across the body of a young elephant surrounded by Jackals, Hyenas and Black backed Vultures.  As gross as the scene was it was interesting watching the relationship of the scavengers.  The Hyenas were certainly in charge and the others could only snatch a bite occasionally as a gap appeared.  There was also an interesting interaction between the Jackals and the Vultures (the vultures just keeping out of range of the Jackals when they became aggressive.  Nearby we a clan of Hyena with quite a few pups.  They do look a bit cute but…….

Other sighting for the morning included: Dik Dik;  Burchell’s Zebra; Springbok; Oryx (Gemsbok); Ostrich; Elephant; Blue Wildebeest; Tawny Eagle; Grey Lourie; Yellow Billed Hornbill; Burchell’s Starling; Grey Heron; Kori Bustard; Black Headed Heron; Banded Mongoose; Giraffe: Steenbok; Pale Chanting Goshawk; Hartebeest; Kudu; Lion; Drongo; and Blacksmith Lapwing.  It was amazing to see the large herds of Zebra and Wildebeest, lots of giraffe, antelope and a large pride of lions.

By the time we got to Halali (another government lodge) they were just finishing lunch so there was not a lot of choice.  We weren’t complaining however as we had enough and the cost was only NAD$80 (a bit more than A$8).

After lunch we drove from Hali to Okaukuejo with lots more detours to spot animals.  Ian knows many of the guides here as he worked in Etosha for a time so regularly gets the info on where the animals are.

The lodge at Okaukuejo was also government run.  We dropped off our luggage in our room, had a brief “sit down” in the air conditioning before heading out again for an afternoon drive.  

Sightings? Not a lot new: Spotted Eagle-owl; Northern Black Korhaan and Helmeted Guineafowl.  We got excited when we saw the owl as it was sitting on the ground and looked a bit like a leopard from a distance.

We got back to the lodge in time for a glorious sunset over the waterhole.  Giraffes (one silhouetted against the sunset), Elephants and a single Black Rhino.  That was pretty special as it’s only the third we have seen.

Dinner was pleasant although it was much busier here (guess it’s easier to get here from populated areas) so things on the salad table were in low supply.  The wait staff were also a bit short on.  We never did get the bottle of wine we ordered.  From the restaurant, we were able to see the animals at the waterhole on a video screen.  We headed off to see the elephants but they were just leaving when we arrived.
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