Monday 10th June 2013 – Eighty Mile Beach

These beach walks in the morning are enjoyable.  Headed north along the beach this morning picking up some interesting shells on our way.  A nice lazy breakfast of leftover savoury mice (the sauce from last night’s pasta) on toast, followed by g/f muffins and yesterday’s jam – apricot and rum conserve and Otto’s coffee.

Eighty Mile Beach
Jill went off to make an appointment with a lady who cut’s hair.  Not only did she end up with a very decent haircut for $15 but also got all the gossip re fishing etc.

Had a nice lazy day.  Walked to the top of the dunes at one stage to download emails, had a read and a nap in the afternoon.

The tide is huge here.  At low tide the mud flats must stretch about 1km out to sea (at least it seams like that!!)  At high tide the fisher people are cheek by jowl along the beach.  Didn’t see a great deal being caught.

At the back of the caravan park there is quite a big structure for an organisation called Coastwatch.  Apparently it’s a volunteer organisation run by a retired mine worker, Billie – hence the name on the side of the building – Billawood Detention Centre.  They have quite a few quad bikes which they run up and down the beach on keeping an eye on things.

Visited the quite well stocked shop in the afternoon and had icy poles – other that that it was just a restful day.

Sunset reflected in the mud flats at Eighty Mile Beach

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