Friday 10th May – Anne Beadell Highway

Arthur’s Birthday – Happy birthday Arthur.

After breakfast (left over beef & veg stir fry, egg and toast) eaten in the camper away from the flies, we set off.  The road here is sandy winding prettily between areas of bush – some very close to the road. There are quite a few smallish sand hills where the sand is very soft - not helping the fuel consumption.  The computer is telling us that we are running at 17.9 litres per 100 km.  Hopefully that doesn’t keep up for the rest of the trip.  We’re now in Spinifex country with some amazing circular patches across the countryside.  

Spinifex country
Quite a few dead camels close to the road which makes us think there may have been a cull at some stage.  At one stage quite a skinny dingo appeared from one of the carcases.  He didn’t look at all well.  We also came across the wreck of a camper van that didn't make it.  You have to feel for the owners.

This one didn't make it!!

At Vokes corner we were 478km from Coober Pedy.

Voke's Corner
Stopped reasonably early that afternoon as we were having our fun night for the crossing – the Outrageous Orange Op Shop Occasion – as well as celebrating Arthur’s birthday along with the chocolate birthday cake made by Margaret.  Most of the food preparations were made in the tents as the flies are unbearable at the moment.  Fortunately they disappear about sunset.  Dinner tonight: Beef curry with apples and raisins, chicken and vegetables with dumplings and sweet potato and chick peas.  Showers tonight – Jill and I can manage it with one bucket of water.

Everyone rose to the occasion with the OOOO the orange gear very appropriate seeing we were in country with very orange sand.
You've got to be a little bit crazy!!

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