Thursday 23rd May 2013 – Exmouth to Cape Range National Park

Packed up a headed out of town (after a little shopping, posting post cards, books etc and more prawns for lunch) and headed for Kurrajong camping area in the Cape Range National Park (where we’d booked sites from Carnarvon).  Set up camp, this time putting up all the awnings as the camping area is pretty exposed with no trees.  Also set up the shower since we are here for three days.

Camp at Cape Range
Prawns, fresh spelt bread, mayo and lettuce for lunch – delicious.

Went for a snorkel in the afternoon right of the beach.  There are quite a few bombies in the area – the fish are very colourful and even saw a stingray.

A nice lazy afternoon finished off with a beautiful sunset which just kept going for ages.  Quite a few clouds on the horizon which added to the display.

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