Wednesday 1st May 2013 – Quilpie to Windorah

Dawn over Lake Houdraman
Woke at 6:30 – glorious view out the window over the lake.  Went for a walk.  Disturbed a huge flock of budgies from a tree.  Lots of native hens along the lake edge – also ducks, pelicans and an emu.  Breakfast was left over stir fry and egg on toast.  Broke Otto out (our fancy coffee maker) for a nice cup of coffee.

Spent the morning in Quilpie – Information Centre, Craft Shop, Coffee shop, fuelled up (172.9 cents/l). Also sent some post cards. Most of the group made use of the shower at the Council Chambers before we met in the park for lunch.

Lots of road trains on the road to Windorah – some now with four trailers and there’s now only a single lane of bitumen which means you have to get well off the road when there is one coming your way.

Arrived at Cooper’s Creek, about 10km short of Windorah before 4pm.  Another lovely spot overlooking the creek – plenty of water.  Apparently Cooper’s Creek is the only Creek that has rivers running into it and the only reason it is not called a river is because there was no flow in it when it was discovered.

Camp at Cooper's Creek
Dinner tonight, Chicken Curry (Karen) Beef Massaman (Jennie) and Thai Lamb (Margaret).
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