Friday 12th September 2014 - Rarotonga

Went for a walk along the beach this morning. Unlike the previous couple of nights there had been no large tide last night. We had heard that some rooms at the Rarotongan Resort down the road had been flooded by the high tide on Wednesday night. Glad we weren't in those rooms.

A walk on the beach
After breakfast we packed our gear and Jill and I headed for town.

Avatiu Harbour
Rarotonga Museum
We went to the museum (very interesting) and Jill bought some material. We put some petrol in the car and found a take-away shop where we had a chicken kebeb – quite satisfactory,  before returning the car to Island Car Hire. They dropped us back at Lagoon Breeze in plenty of time to catch our bus to the airport at 2pm.

Getting on board NZ61 was all straight forward and we were on our way home.
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