Saturday 6th September 2014 – Sydney

As none of us like to be rushed, the decision was made to head off to the airport early (around 4:30pm). The plane didn't leave 'till 9:15 and that would give us a 'ton' of time. We loaded all our luggage into Damian's car and he took it down to the station at Jannali while the rest of us walked. It was a bit of a palava getting on and off the train (with the necessary change at Wolli Creek) with five large suit cases and assorted smaller bags, four adults, one 3 year old and one 9 month old (with stroller).

We're all ready!!

When we got to the airport we discovered that having a baby in tow had advantages, with us jumping the queue in emigration/quarantine and security. Once through all that (and feeding the baby along the way) we set ourselves down near a McDonald's playground (to keep Christopher occupied) and went searching for some food. Apparently these days you don't even get fed on an international flight with Air New Zealand unless you pay extra. Jill and I settled for some sushi and a salad. After that we only had enough time to get some New Zealand dollars (the currency in the Cook Islands – pretty close to parity with the $A once fees are taken into consideration) before it was time to board the plane. Boarding was at 8:15 - so much for having plenty of time.

The 6 hour fight was uneventful. We managed to get a little sleep and watched a little TV (Movies were an extra $10 – thought sleep was more important than a movie at any rate). Damian and Sarah and kids were in the row in front of us and had a bassinet for Charlotte.

Sleepy time!!!
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