Wednesday 10th September 2014 - Rarotonga

We had a king tide last night and the surf is still very rough this morning crashing over the reef which is about 50 metres from shore. I don't think I have mentioned it before but pretty well the whole island has a reef surrounding it just off shore. The tide was so high last night that it crossed the road at several spots along the coast.

After breakfast it was Damian and Sarah's turn for the Cross-Island Track. I transported them around to the northern car park along with Mike and Cheryl, a New Zealand couple we had met the other night at Highland Paradise. On the way back I called into the Westpac bank to get some Cook Island currency. They have two $3 notes along with a $5, $2 and $1 coin which are in circulation along with the New Zealand currency.  Also had a bit of a look around Avarua.

First stop was the Beachcomber which was constructed in 1845 by the London Missionary Society.  It was originally a Sunday school and a church community venue.  State Legislature was also housed at the old Sunday school prior to the establishment of the Parliament of the Cook Islands in 1964.  The building was rebuilt in 1992 after being almost completely destroyed in a Cyclone in 1965.  It is now shops.

The Beachcomber originally built in 1845
The Avarua CICC church built in 1853
Back to Lagoon Breeze where Jill was looking after Charlotte and Christopher. They were both having a nap when I got back.

After lunch I went to pick up our walkers from the southern end. It was then that I noticed how much sand was on the road from last night's tide.

Even though the water was a bit rough I thought I had better get in a snorkel in case the seas got rougher still. The water was pretty murky from sand but I did see some fish and the coral was pretty spectacular. Hopefully the tides will settle down and we can get in the water again.

Damian and Sarah were off to Highland Paradise tonight, so after a cocktail at happy hour and a half they caught the bus, leaving us with the children. We took them down to watch the sunset and the big waves.

It was then time for tea and bed. Baked beans, toast, tomato and an egg that the local chooks had left us just outside our villa
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