Monday 13th July 2015 - Bourke to Wanaaring

After a short walk around the caravan park and breakfast in the Camp Kitchen (toaster and jug provided and much warmer than setting up our kitchen in the icy wind) we headed off to the Jandra, a paddle steamer which does a one hour round trip down the Darling River.  It was very relaxing and the captain very informative - interesting and amusing.  It was amazing just how many pelicans there are on the river.  The Jandra is a modern rebuild of an original paddle streamer which plied these waters.

Our trip on the Jandra
We then headed into Bourke and went to the Supermarket and Op Shop (to get some "stuff" for a "Sparkly Dinner in the Desert" - Jill found some butterfly wings and Alex a brightly coloured tie which can be enhanced with some glitter glue - no sequence to be had in Bourke).  We spent some time at the wharf precinct where there was an old steam engine and a replica of the original wharf - all three storeys of it.

At Dubbo Wharf

Jill found a nice little knick knack shop and bought a few bits and pieces including some jojoba hand cream (made in Bourke) and had a cup of coffee.  It was then over the road to the RSL club for lunch before setting off towards Wanaaring.

The road was still bitumen for a few kilometres out of town but soon turned to gravel, something we will get a lot of over the next couple of weeks.  Along the way we pulled up to collect some firewood which we loaded onto the camper and Richard's trailer before calling it a day about 50km east of Wanarring at a lovely spot beside a billabong.  It wasn't marked on the map so guess it's just a claypan filled with the recent rain.  We soon had a great fire going on which to cook sausages, lamb chops and lots of veges.  It's not as cold tonight as the wind has dropped.

Camp for the night

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