Saturday 25th July 2015 - Birdsville to Haddon Corner (and beyond)

While waiting for the others Jill did a bit of a shop at the Roadhouse for a few fruits etc and I went for a bit of a walk.

It was then on the road east.  It never ceases to amaze just how desolate it is between Birdsville and Betoota - gibbers, low shrubs and a few 'jump ups' and that's it.  Much more of a desert than the Simpson.

The Road to Batoota
We stopped at the Rainbow Serpent sculpture near Betoota.  Betoota, Birdsville and Bedourie got together and created public art in each area.  This piece represents the Rainbow Serpent travelling on Mithika country and was constructed in 2012 - very impressive.

The Rainbow Serpent just west of Betoota
Next stop was Betoota itself for lunch.  Not much here these days, just the deserted hotel (fuel was sold here until 1989 so a sign said).  Even Betoota will soon be cut off by new roadworks that are pretty well complete.

The deserted pub at Betoota
There were quite a few wedge tailed eagles along this stretch - such majestic birds.

Wedge tailed eagles
Also came across some bitumen strips which had been put in as emergency air strips.  East of Betoota we headed south towards the Dig Tree and then back west for 15 kilometres to Haddon Corner (the 90 degree angle in the border between Queensland and South Australia).

At Haddon Corner the actual corner post was in a fenced enclosure to offer it protection form stock.  Not sure what the authorities would think of us adding our post to the spot but that's what we did.

Haddon Corner
Back then to the main road south.  There's no doubt that this is desolate country.

You cant imagine stock surviving on it but they are out here.  We set up camp by a creek for the night (no water here).  Along the way we say quite a large mob of emus (the biggest we have seen in our travels).

Risotto (salmon and mushroom) and camel pies (from the Birdsville Bakery) for dinner tonight followed by a gorgeous sunset.  Must mention the interesting flora in this area as well.  The pics will tell the story.

Early in the evening (about 8pm) for road trains passed our camp.  Were they full or empty?  There appeared to be a lot of young cattle on the properties today.  Perhaps they are restocking after the drought.

As I said a gorgeous sunset.....

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