Sunday 19th July 2015 - Coongie Lake to Innaminka

Slept in this morning (very cold) and woke with a beautiful huge red sun over the lake,  Went for a walk along the shore of the lake - Alex photographing birds.  There are lots of waterbirds (grebes, ducks and stilts) on the lake and black kites, falcons, crested pigeons, honeyeaters, plovers, mudlarks. crows, fairy martins, willy wagtails, galahs, corellas etc.

Breakfast - eggs on toast all cooked on the fire plus Otto coffee - all in a very relaxed manner.

We left the trailers and drove as far as we could around the lake then back to camp to pack up.  We had a bit of an Oops moment while packing up.  David backed into a tree and broke his back window and a bit of other damage.  We had to sacrifice one of David's tarps to cut a patch to go over the hole where the window had been.  Gaffer tape is a great resource at times like this.  Even used it to hold the rear light in place.

Our Oops Moment                                                                                              Our camp spot - we could come back here anytime!
Jason the Ranger dropped in while we were driving out.  Seems they only get out here occasionally.  He was saying that they plan to fence off the middens close to our camp to stop people driving over then.  Good idea.

Lunch at Kudriemitchi Outstation Campsite 2. We're impressed that our lettuce and rocket are still edible after 10 days on the road.

Back to Innamika for showers, coffee and fuel.  It's getting late in the afternoon but we decided to head off towards Walker's Crossing on the Fifteen Mile Track to get a bit of a start.

The track is pretty desolate  (mostly floodplain) and we were beginning to think this was a bad idea as it was getting dark  - but eventually we found a bushy spot off the road near a dune.

The Walker's Crossing Track                                                                                                            Camp for the night

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