Saturday 10th October 2015 - Mahangu Safari Lodge

A 7 am breakfast this morning, after packing out bags ready for the drive to  Mahangu Safari Lodge on the eastern side of the Bwabwate National Park.  Breakfast was fruit, yoghurt and bacon and eggs. Cute to see the birds and squirrels around the breakfast area

This is indeed an idyllic spot built on the Kwando River looking across at the national park.  We could see elephants from the lodge yesterday afternoon and could hear hippos during the night.  It was not quite as hot last night.

There was a lot of activity as we drove past the villages this morning.  It's Saturday. The water points, in particular, were popular spots. Apparently, some people still have to carry water up to 5 km.  This, however, is quite an improvement on years gone by.  Apparently, there has been a real effort since independence in 1992 to bring water to all villages.

At the junction of the main road, Ian called into a service station for fuel while we visited the Wood Centre across the road. There were lots of nice works produced by local villagers - not only woodwork.  Jill purchased a sarong (called a sitenge in this part of the world) and Jennie a woven basket  (she hopes she can get it through customs in Australia).

We then turned west through the town of Kongola and then into the National Park.  Before entering the park we were stopped at a roadblock manned by the special field forces where they sprayed our tyres for foot and mouth and anthrax.   We also had to stand on a pad of insecticide. The whole of this section of the Captiva strip is dedicated to the Bwabwate National park but there were not many animals around at this time of day - just cute signs telling us to watch out for Kudu, Elephant and wild dog.  Some areas of the park are shared areas and here we saw cattle, goats and donkeys.  The roads are in good condition, well signposted with roadside stops along the way.

At the western side of the park, we crossed the Okavango River.

We then turned south to the Mahangu Safari Lodge which is built on the banks of the Okavango River with the National Park on the Eastern bank.  Mahangu is another small low-key lodge in very pretty grounds.

Lots of birds here - Arrow Marked Babbler, Cardinal Woodpecker, Spectacled Weaver, Purple Starling, Heuglins Robbin, Black-eyed Bulbul, Myers Parrot and Boubou Shriek (among others).  We sat on the deck overlooking the river and ate our packed lunch.

After a little down time and a swim in their pool, Ian took us for a drive in the Mahango section of the Bwabwate National Park (an area south of the lodge running through to the Botswana Border).  We saw two new antelope, the Duiker and the Roan and also new birds, the Southern Pied Babler and the very pretty Crimson Breasted Shrike.  Also saw Elephant, Zebra, Ostrich, Sable antelope, Hippos and Impalas.

Back at the lodge for a very nice meal (Salad, Pea soup, steak and vegies followed by mousse).  Ian had made sure that Jill's came without sauce and special dressing so she's happy - not too hard for her to eat in Africa as there are plenty of vegetables, salad, meat and fruit.  

Our beds (singles tonight with mosquito nets) were a little saggy.  We have our own individual cabins in the grounds of the lodge which were air conditioned

so we slept pretty well.
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