Sunday 4th October 2015 - Livingstone

Breakfast at 7 again this morning.

It was then off to coffee at the Bakery and the the curio markets.   Being Sunday it was pretty quiet so the stall holders were trying extra hard to get us to buy.  After yesterday's experience we weren't to be persuaded and we didn't see anything that jumped out and said buy me!

We then wandered down to the vegetable markets but things were very quiet there with not many stalls open. A lot of stall holders go to church on Sunday we were told. We have been passed occasionally by trucks and buses full of people,  presumably off to Church and usually with the passengers singing.

Another coffee at Munali (which turned out to be owned by the same people as the bakery) and then back to Gloria's for crackers,  fruit and muesli for lunch before a rest up ready to be picked up for our sunset cruise in the afternoon.

We were picked up by Zambezi River Sunset Cruise at 3:30 and had a bit of a drive around Livingstone picking up others for the cruise.   The boat,  the M V Mambushi, travelled down steam a little way before turning around the tip of an island and then heading upstream. 

The main channel to the falls was pointed out but we weren't going there. We saw lots of hippos and some crocodiles (apparently there is something like 1000 crocodiles per kilometre but we only saw a few).   Also saw lots of water birds, some monkeys and a single mother elephant with calf. Some people on the cruise (who were staying on the river) mentioned that they had seen elephants swimming across the river.   That would have been cute, but it was not to happen today.

On the boat there were drinks and nibbles and later dinner (chicken, sausage and salad).  All very pleasant.  It's obviously a popular evening pastime on the Zambezi as there were lots of other craft of all sorts and sizes out and about. 
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