Friday 18th March 2016 - Fraser Island

Bacon and Eggs this morning for breakfast before packing up and heading south, first to Eurong and then inland to Central Station.  Our ferry this afternoon goes from Wanggoobla Creek back to River Heads.  Our plan is to visit Central Station and Lake McKenzie along the way.

This road across the island is even better than the track across from Kingfisher Bay and for much of the distance is divided road so we don't have the issue of meeting busses head on.

Central Station was once the centre of the forestry industry when there was logging on Fraser Island, these days this amazing rainforest area houses a display explaining the development of Fraser Island and its various flora and fauna, information centre and picnic area.
Central Station provides of a picnic area with a scenic boardwalk through the rainforest along the banks of the Wanggoolba Creek quite a beautiful spot.
Central Station
From Central Station we then headed north to Lake McKenzie, first for a swim and then lunch (inside a fenced area away from the dingoes - we still have not seen one.)  Lake McKenzie is a very popular spot and there were lots of young people with loud music and huge water toys.  This didn't distract from a very enjoyable swim in the crystal clear water.
Lake McZenzie
Lunch inside the fenced enclosure was shared with a number of monitors.  They have obviously worked out that they can get a feed here.  So have the Kookaburras and doves.  No sign of Dingoes though.
We arrived at Wanggoobla Creek with plenty of time to spare - a bit too much time considering it has become a very hot day.  The rain has gone for the moment and it's very steamy.  It was much easier to get around the island then we had expected and had left too much time to get from Lake McKenzie to the creek.  We could have had another swim.  We had plenty of time to reinflate our tyres ready for the hard surfaces on the mainland.
The Fraser Venture Barge is smaller that the Kingfisher Bay Ferry and while it had an upstairs was very hot and not all that pleasant.  We found a spot in the shade near the rear stairs.  This time we drove front on and had to back off at River Heads.
Fraser Venture
And what did we think of Fraser?   It continues to be a lovely spot.  We did not see the overcrowding (apart from Lake McKenzie) that is often mentioned, although there is a lot more commercial activity then there has been in the past - more busses and more tag along tours.  The fact that we were there during the week in March might have something to do with it.  The Ferry is expensive for both a vehicle and camper trailer but then any holiday is expensive.  The March flies were not a lot of fun.  The rain was very accommodating and did not detract from our stay. Three nights only gives you the opportunity to see some of the island.  You really need longer.  Would we do it again?  Definitely!

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