Friday 7th April 2017 - Omarama to Oamaru

We awoke to sunshine this morning and frost on the ground.  As we had power and an electric heater in the van we took our time over bacon, eggs, tomato and mushrooms.  Nate and Aylee even had time to reacquaint themselves with Otis and Claws.
As we left Omarama we could see snow caped peaks all around us - just what we had been missing the last couple of days. 

Hopefully we will get another chance at viewing Mount Cook from the west coast.  Not that we're complaining mind you.  Our drizzle over the last few days is nothing compared to what Debbie has been dropping on the north island.

We’re still in hydroelectric country and passed several lakes (Aviemore and Waitaki) and their power stations before hitting the lower country.  
Between Waikaura and Duntroon we stopped to view some Maori Rock Art - nothing like the rock art of the Australian Aborigine but interesting all the same.
A little further on we called into a fruit stall and picked up some peaches, nectarines and peacherines - the last of the season.

We had decided to stop at Oamaru for the night for the possibility of seeing penguins.  On arriving at around 12:30 we set up at the Harbourside Tourist Park which has this great playground next door.  Just what Nate and Aylee needed!  

After lunch we walked to historic port area.  On the way we found some tree engravings of native animals - nicely done. 
The port area is reinvented warehouses - mostly art and craft workshops and galleries.  The port once played an important part in the imports and exports from the district but closed in the 1970s.

After a quick return to the caravan park to pick up coats, (the weather was turning quite cold) with an ice-cream along the way, we headed back to the Steampunk Headquarters.  A sort of a museum of all sorts of gadgets and sculptures created by various people.  Most were quite bizarre but very interesting.  Most impressive was the Portal - actually a mirrored room with hanging lights.  Because of the mirrors the lights stretched to infinity and with changes in colours and intensity, along with a sound track, which was most effective.  They even have a Steampunk Festival in June.

Dinner was across the road at the Star and Garter.  The reviews said that there chowder was wonderful and it didn't disappoint.

After dinner we went penguin spotting.  Apparently they nest underneath the caravan park camp kitchen but at this time of year the chicks had probably left. 

We could have paid to see the penguin parade but chose not to take the 'artificial' commercial route and just kept our eyes open along the foreshore.  We were rewarded with the sighting of a single penguin just on dusk and another a little later when Aylee and Alex went for a walk.

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