Friday 11th August 2017 - Killarney to Killarney (The Ring of Kerry)

Up and packed ready for 7:30 breakfast. We provided our own, GF bread and a banana added to their butter and jam. We were on the road by 8am on what looked like it might be a miserable day – Raining. It remained overcast with drizzle on and off all day – not the best day for sightseeing. It was probably just as well because if it was a fine day it would have been silly to try and complete the ring in a day.

First stop was Rossbeigh Beach after driving through Glenbeigh. We even found a spot on Trip Advisor that had good coffee. 

Rossbeigh Beach
It was closed and as there were no other options it was on to Cahersiveen, where we found a nice little French Patisserie. They even had gluten free cakes and bickies.

From there we drove on to Valentia Island and on to Knights Town where we had a bit of a wander around. We felt sorry for the kids who were trying to learn to swim (obviously part of vacation activities) on such a cold miserable day. They did have wetsuits on. Quite a few other vacation activities happening to.
Valentia Island
We then drove on to the Lighthouse which would probably be the most westerly lighthouse in Ireland. The lighthouse site had also been a fort in a previous life and was a very interesting site to visit.  In season you can see puffins here but not today.
Valentia Island Lighthouse
Back to the mainland and to Portmagee where we stopped for a very nice fish lunch at a pub. 

At the Kerry Cliffs, on a fine day, the site would be amazing out to the Skellig Islands but not today. The fog was so thick that at one point we could only see about 20 metres in front of us.
This made the decision of where to stop much easier as there was little point in stopping anywhere so it was on to Kenmare where we went for a wander to stretch our legs before heading back to Killarney.

This section of road passes over Moll's Gap (quite a climb) and then through Killarney National Park. We stopped at Ladies View (looking down the valley to the lake) and Torc Water Fall.

Tonight we are staying in a B&B in Killarney, Mystical Rose. The owner, Rose, is very chatty and spent some time in Australia some years back. A walk towards town for a pub meal and a pint of Killarney beer for Alex and we were ready for bed. Well, some downtime for social media reading etc.
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