Monday 28th August – Cardiff #5

Today we went for a walk to Garth Mountain led by Geraint and Chris. We're not sure how long the walk was but my watch said 12,000 steps and it took 2½ hours, so quite a way.

The trail was quite varied - through bush, beside a mossy creek, through a little village, then up a bracken-covered hill to the top where there was a burial mound.  The story goes that this was just a hill (not quite tall enough to be a mountain) until the village folk piled earth on top to make it high enough to be a mountain.

Down the other side, we visited the G waelod Inn for lunch.  We were met by Barbara who is a sponsor of Everyman Theatre and were made feel most welcome.  Lunch was delicious and we even tasted lava bread which isn't really bread at all, being made with seaweed and oats.

Jill and Kate went back to Geraint and Chris's place for a rest while Alex went off to Chapter to help put up the sails ready for an evening rehearsal
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