Saturday 14 May 2022 - Quirindi (and Willow Tree)

Went for an early walk before breakfast and then on to cousin Gwen and husband Geoff's for a catch-up and morning tea.  Checked out Geoff's latest project, the old truck from "Fairview".  Also checked out what Gwen had been sewing.  

One restored and one to be restored

On to Willow Tree (where Alex spent his childhood).  Nice to see the town reinventing itself.  This started some years ago with the "rebirth" of the Willow Tree pub (and restaurant) but has now spread to other buildings - the old derelict garage becoming a marketplace, the old station agency across the road now a gallery.  Purchased some wooden coasters and a cookery book.  The old butcher shop now deals in canvas and leatherwork.  All good to see.

Owen Thomas's old Northern Garage, now a Market Place

Had lunch and the Information Centre and then went for a bit of a drive,  first to the top of the town which used to be part of Pleasantside, the Benham farm (Grandfather's and then Dad's).  Checked out (from a distance) the old hayshed, the woolshed and Pleasantside itself.

Also checking out the sports ground for a possible future camp.  Quite adequate and very reasonably priced, and then the school where Alex attended primary school.  Also called in at the cemetery (checking on the grandparent Benham's graves). 

Met cousin (in-law) David for a coffee at the now "upmarket' store, the Plain's Kitchen.

Back to Quirindi and as we had been checking out cemeteries called into the Quirindi cemetery for Mum and Dad (Benham's) graves.

Dinner at the Imperial Hotel, just up the road from the Caravan Park.

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