Wednesday 18th May 2022 - Gibraltar Range National Park

Walked to Bura Nula Cascades (600m return) before breakfast.  There certainly is a lot of water in these hills.

After breakfast, we set off for The Needles (6km return).  'Twas a nice walk, a few muddy sections but we located a couple of walking sticks which helped with that.  Helped on the steep bits too.  Quite a lot of wildflowers considering it's almost winter and lots and lots of fungi.

The track deteriorated towards the end (no longer a firetrail) and almost disappeared in spots.  The GPS map on the phone told us we were still heading in the right direction so on we went.  At the end there were the incredible views out to the east from the lookout as well as over the Needles (granite columns on the edge of the precipice)

The track goes through a variety of vegetation, from eucalypt forest, then rainforest and then back into eucalypt.  

Back to camp to recover!  A rest, a read, a bit of birdwatching and dinner on the campfire again tonight.

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