Wednesday 3 May 2023 - Lake Arragan

 Up at the crack of dawn to see the sunrise over the ocean and a beautiful sight it was.
We then headed off across the heathland (quite an extensive area south of our camp) to observe the wildlife.  Lots of grey kangaroos enjoying a morning munch and lots of birds although they tend not to sit still long enough to be recognised.  Lots of honeyeaters visiting the predominately banksia vegetation - the friarbirds being the most vocal.  We were hoping that we might be fortunate to see the endangered ground parrot that inhabits the heathland but if they were there they weren't showing themselves.

We then headed to Redcliff and Greycliff headlands.  The campsites here are more protected being in remnants of coastal (littoral) rainforest.  Quite panoramic views south towards Brooms Head.
Back to camp for a long slow breakfast and a day of lazing around.  We even put up the hammock in the pandanus palm next to our camp.
The wildlife is pretty tame here and we were visited by quite a few birds, particularly a solitary white-faced heron who hung around the campsite.  The kangaroos don't mind checking out the camp either.

Later in the afternoon, we went for a drive into Brooms Head for a cup of coffee but it appears that everything closes in Brooms Head at 3pm.  We'll have to go earlier tomorrow.

Back to camp and a walk down to the lake. 

Dinner by the campfire as we watched the sunset over Clarence Peak in the distance.

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