Monday 20th May 2013 – Carnarvon to Quobba Station

It rained quite heavily during the night but fortunately clear when we woke up.  We left the camper to dry out and headed to town.  Jill went off to Woolworths to replenish supplies and I headed for Tyrepower.  As we were coming in to Mt Augustus the tyre dog on the right rear showed a slow leak.  Rather then fiddling around on the road with a half flat tyre we changed it.  The tyre man found what looked like an old nail through the tyre which we obviously picked up somewhere.  Back to the camper to pack up and then back into town for breakfast at a café – bacon and eggs.    Filled up with fuel, bought some prawns at the Crab Shack and headed out of town.

Bananas growing on the river flat

Drove out along the river past the plantations where we stocked up on tomatoes, corn, bananas, beans, eggplant and grapefruit.  We're on our own today as the others spending another night in Carnarvon while they get their vehicles attended too.  We will meet up with them at Coral Bay for lunch tomorrow.

On our way to Quobba Station (our destination for the night) we called into the blowholes at Quobba Point (nothing fancy today but on a good day shoot 20m into the air) and checked out the $5 a night camping area (very full and exposed to the elements – quite windy today).  At the end of the camping area there are quite a lot of fishing shacks – obviously a popular spot.  Interesting huge sign near the blowholes – “King Waves Kill”.  Apparently they have huge waves along this coast and there have been people washed off the rocks.

At Quobba Station we found a fairly protected spot under some Casuarina trees where we enjoyed our prawns for a late lunch. 
And they were delicious!
Went for a walk on the beach which was covered in pebbles, pieces of coral and clam shells.  

The sunset, while not very colourful was quite spectacular with bright rays of sunshine across the ocean and edging the clouds.  Nice hot showers at Quobba Station in a “new’ quite rustic shower block – cute!!!

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