Sunday 19th May – Kennedy Range National Park to Carnarvon

Sunrise at Kennedy Range
Another glorious sunrise, first with the sun on the clouds and then on the escarpment behind our camp.  Got away at 8:30 and drove to Drapers Gorge where we walked, scrambled, climbed up the gorge for some distance.  The rock formations were amazing with a huge variety of textures and colours – and lots of plant fossils.  Quite a few pools too with large tadpoles swimming around.

Drapers Gorge
From there it was on to Gascoyne Junction (the last of the gravel for a while).  Took on a little fuel (1.88 per litre) and pumped up our tires ready for the bitumen.  Quite an easy 170km drive into Carnarvon.  As we got nearer it was amazing to see vegetables and bananas growing along the road (on the flat).

We set up camp at the Coral Coast Caravan Park and at 2pm headed to town for lunch – we were looking forward to fish and chips.  It’s Sunday isn’t it and all the eateries close at 2.  Eventually found a market happening with some food left – burgers followed by Mango ice cream.  We then drove out to the old jetty, built in 1897 which stretches one mile out to sea.  Being lazy today we took the tramway a cute little train which was originally used to transport cargo out to ships.  The $7 each ($4 to walk) goes into a fund to preserve the structure (all done by a voluntary organisation). 

The Old Jetty at Carnarvon
Back to the caravan park to do some washing and showers before we all met at the Gascoyne Hotel (the Gassie as the train driver called it) for a very enjoyable meal of fresh seafood basket and honey prawns).  Then back to Phil and Kaye’s unit to book sites at Cape Range National Park (on the internet) before retiring – well after getting this blog up to date, responding to emails etc etc etc.
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