Tuesday 14th May – Anne Beadell Highway and Laverton

A big breakfast this morning – bacon, eggs, mushrooms, buckwheat pancakes.

Our first stop this morning was Bishop Riley’s Pulpit and flat topped hill which we could see for miles away.  It’s quite close to the road and some of us actually climbed to the top.

Bishop Riley's Pulpit
It was then on to Old Yoe Homestead which was originally built in the 1960s and has been restored by National Parks.  You really do wonder just how hardy people were to live off the land in this country.  Surprisingly there was a well at the site with water not that far from the surface.

Old Yoe Homestead

Quite a few sightings of camels along this stretch of quite good road.

Arrived at Yamarna Homestead ruins where we had lunch.  It looked like a bomb had hit this place – bits and pieces everywhere.  We are now on pastoral land and there is much evidence that there are cattle about.  We’ve also been driving through mineral leases and there is also evidence of mining exploration in the area.

From here the run to Laverton was on a very good gravel road where we could get along between 80 and 90 quite comfortably.

Tonight is the caravan park at Laverton ($25) for Jill and I and Mark and Karen and motel accommodation for the others.  After washing clothes and showering it was dinner at the pub – Steak and Barramundi.  That was an experience!!  Ruby the barmaid was from “Babes in Motion”.  She was wearing pink underwear and stockings and was quite heavily tattooed.  Not sure why the pub would need to hire a ‘babe’ from Perth when they’re the only pub in town.  I guess from the number of guys hanging around the bar it might have attracted a bit more custom.  The food was quite good.

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