Wednesday 15th May 2013 – Laverton to Sandstone

Breakfast (Buckwheat pancake with tinned peaches, yoghurt and maple syrup in the camp kitchen (the kitchen being an excellent setup).

After fuelling up and pumping up tyres (bitumen today) we called at the Information Centre – lots of interesting information and stuff.  Jill bought a couple of books.

On the road we called into Mt Malcolm lookout – quite a view out over the flat country.  Jill found some white ochre.

Mt Malcolm
At Leonora we bought a few groceries to keep us going until Meekatharra.  Jennie and Richard left us heading south to Kalgoorlie and then Perth.  We will meet up with them again in Newman on the 2nd June.

Very good bitumen road to Sandstone.  Called into Peter Denny lookout where the countryside drops away to a plain below.  We were driving through very flat country and couldn’t work out why there would be a lookout there until we actually got to the car park.

Peter Denny Lookout
Sandstone was a very tidy, tiny town – would have been nice too spend more time there but we were on a mission to get to Mt Augustus tomorrow night and have time to do some shopping in Meekatharra (for fruit and veg)  tomorrow as well.

We camped by the roadside about 120km before Meekatharra on quite hard flat gravelly ground – a little different to the sand under foot that we were used to.  There we lots of quartz and shiny black rocks.  The night was cooler so a fire was appreciated.
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