Thursday 30th July 2015 - Texas to Mullumbimby

A full breakfast (bacon, eggs etc) in the sunroom was a great way to start the day and gave The Yellow Rose quite a few additional 'brownie' points.  We then checked out downtown Texas (particularly the craft shop) and the free camping area down by the river (for future reference).  The 'freebee"  was quite popular.

A great breakfast at the Yellow Rose followed by a wander around Texas
Rather than the main road to Tenterfield, we decided to go via Glenlyon Dam.  It might have been the shortest route in distance but it certainly wasn't in time.  The road was quite windy and steep but a  pretty drive.  On past trips through Texas we have always been 'impressed' with the prickly pear.  This trip was no different with one huge plant near the top of the dam wall completely covered with fruit.  The waterlevel in the dam was quite low which was a bit of a surprise considering the rain that has been around most of the year.

Glenlyon Dam - a great crop of Prickly Pear
We arrived in Tenterfield and headed for an often used lunch spot, the Willow Tree cafe.  It was fairly crowded but there was noone on the back deck.  Nor was it set up for dining.  We asked the young girl at the counter if we could set up a table and her response was "no we're not setting up out there today".  They obviously didn't want our custom so we went down the street to the newly renovated Commercial Boutique Hotel.  Here the reception was completely the opposite - friendly and welcoming - and lunch was good sitting in armchairs beside an open fire. 'twas a very pleasant way to conclude a trip.

Lunch at the Commercial, Tenterfield - nice open fire
From Tenterfield it was simply down the mountain to home in Mullumbimby. Well a few hours down the mountain but you know how it is when you get the 'nose bag' on.

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