Sunday 16th April 2017 (Easter Sunday) - Slab Hut Creek Camp Ground to Hanmer Springs

Only a short drive today to Hanmer Springs, so it was a slow start beginning with an Easter egg hunt around the campsite.  They must have Easter Kiwis in New Zealand!  

Nate and Aylee also managed to mix up various colours of ochre which they painted Nate’s face with.  Didn't quite get to the dot painting stage however, that was Alex's job.

We headed off around 10am through the pretty little town of Reefton with bubbles floating down the main street, and then up into the mountains and through Lewis Pass to the Eastern divide.

We arrived at Hanmer Springs about 1:30, set up camp, had lunch, kids had a bit of a play and then we were off to Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools and Spa for the rest of the afternoon - until about 7pm actually.  Although there were a lot (and we mean a lot) of people there, there was enough room to find space in each of the many pools of various temperature.  The kids spent most of the afternoon on the water slides – “Awesome”, Nate reckons.

Home for spaghetti and baked beans and off to bed.
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