Monday 17th April 2017 - Hanmer Springs to Christchurch

Another short drive today so no early start.  Bacon and eggs for breakfast and the children had a ride around the campground on a 2 seater buggy ($5 for the half-hour - a bargain).

Back on the road, we called in briefly at the Ferry Bridge where they do bungy jumping.  There were no takers among our group or anyone else at that time of day.

We were now heading back to the east coast and towards Christchurch.  
We called in to Leithfield Beach and had lunch at a very old fashioned playground.  It was interesting that the sand on the beach was black (coming from the ground up black rock).  Not all that attractive and not added to positively by a number of motorbike riders riding up the beach.

Our stop for the night (219 on Johns) is a pleasant caravan park on the outskirts of Christchurch and only about 5 kilometres to the airport which will make pack up and clean up easier in the morning.

Dinner tonight was at Caesars Family Restaurant down the road a little way.     

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