Tuesday 18th April 2017 – Christchurch to Home

Lots of packing and cleaning this morning before heading to the Mighty “shop” to drop off the Motorhome around 10:30.  We were expecting that it would take some time to book in and have the van checked out etc. but it only took about 15 minutes.  They were all very efficient and very easy to deal with.  We would use them again.

Time to relax and have a coffee/hot chocolate before catching the shuttle to the airport where we booked our luggage through and had lunch at a Japanese restaurant before heading through customs.  Why is that airport food rarely satisfies?  Jill and I were both underwhelmed, while the kids were probably quite happy with their Burger King (although the bacon left some unimpressed).

Through customs and we had a bit longer wait than expected as our flight had been put back 30 minutes from its departure time of 2:55pm.

And that’s about it!  The flight home was uneventful and Bradley was at the airport to pick us up.  Driving home in the Prado was much quieter than driving the Motorhome which had a few rattles, mainly from overhead cupboards.

Our thoughts on New Zealand South Island?  Just stunning!!
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