Monday 18th September 2017 – Banchory to Copenhagen

Left at 8am for the 40-minute drive to Aberdeen Airport. Dropped the car off at Hertz and were not as impressed with them this time. They reckon we had damaged one of the alloy wheels – 90 pounds thank you very much. As it was pouring rain when we picked up the car in Cardiff I didn't check things like a small amount of damage to a wheel. Will put in a protest but won't hold my breath.

The flight from Cardiff to Amsterdam was uneventful but was late taking off. Apparently, the plane had to have something done to it before we could take off. This and the fact that we had to take the long way to Amsterdam as there were some military exercises going on meant we arrived in Amsterdam later than we had expected. We had contemplated catching the train into the city and taking at canal cruise but in the end there was no time.

By the time we found somewhere to have lunch and then proceed through security and emigration we hardly had any waiting time at all.

Got a taxi from Copenhagen Airport into the city. Arrived at our Hotel, Zleep, Copenhagen City. It doesn't compare with the character of our Dublin Hotel. Our room needed a little TLC and the ensuite is weird with the shower almost on top of the toilet.  I guess you could say adequate....
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