Sunday 17th September – Banchory

A nice lie in this morning with no-one getting up too early. Mid morning Cath, Jill and I went for a drive and walk, initially to the Bridge of Feugh, where the salmon jump up the waterfalls – too late in the season to see any today.
 We then headed off to where they spawn in the woodlands near Crathes Castle – a lovely walk along the waterway and back via sheep and highland cattle. The trees are just beginning to turn and with all the rain they have had recently had there are fungi of different colour, shape and size everywhere.

After lunch, we headed for Balmoral Estate to pick up Callum and his companions. While waiting for them to arrive we went for a walk to Loch Muick and back. It's quite open moor country and easy walking – past a boat shed built in Queen Victoria's time and some stone cottages which you can hire out apparently. No sign of the queen though even though she is in residence at Balmoral as we speak.

After picking up Callum it was back home for a lovely venison stew for dinner before heading off to repack for the flight to Copenhagen tomorrow.
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