Thursday 28th September 2017 – Copenhagen Day 1

A nice lazy breakfast while we waited for our turn to disembark at 9:40am.

We left our big bags at the hotel and went for a wander and a coffee followed by lunch at a Japanese restaurant. Back to the hotel and our room is ready. A much nicer room than the one we had last time. Apparently, they are renovating floor by floor and are only up to Floor 2 at the moment. We're on Floor 2 – lucky us. Nice to have windows that actually open to let in some fresh air after the air conditioning on the cruise ship.

After settling in we headed off again and caught the Hop-On-Hop-Off bus. Our ticket covers us for 72 hours plus a canal cruise so this afternoon we thought we would just do a circuit and see what we would like to do tomorrow.

Dinner tonight at a Thai restaurant not too far from the hotel. It was pretty good but the Mussamun wasn't to the same standard as Spice It Up.
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