Tuesday 12th September – Llwyncelyn to Alstonefield (Peak District National Park)

Our accommodation at Llwyncelyn
 After breakfast at our Airbnb at Llwyncelyn this morning (eggs on toast with eggs from our hosts chooks) we headed north along the Welsh western coast. We called into Aberaeron where we had had dinner last night to have a bit of a wander. Many of the houses in the township are painted quite bright colours – added to the flowerpots which seem to be everywhere, the town is quite bright. Chatted with a lady whose house was bright yellow with a red door. She told us that when she first painted it the type of comments she got were “Your game”.

 Next stop was Aberystwyth where we found a cute little coffee shop for our morning coffee. It was a dog-friendly café which made Cate happy (as she loves dogs or any animal in fact). The coffee was pretty good as well.

 After heading a bit further north to Furnace we then turned east and headed to Shrewsbury where we stopped for lunch. Had a bit of a wander around the cute streets before heading further east towards Peak National Park.

 Along the way, we called into Market Drayton just so we could show Cate the Shropshire Union Canal and the Narrow Boats. Brought back memories of our 2011 trip and our week on the Narrow Boat out of Stoke-On-Trent.

Shropshire Union Canal near Market Drayton
 We skirted around Stoke-On-Trent on our way to Ashbourne. The traffic was very busy on this stretch of road. Hopefully not a sign of things to come. Once we left the A520 things quietened down considerably and once inside the Peak National Park it was back to a trickle. Accommodation tonight is “The Mews” in Alstonefield. Its a cute stone cottage (another Airbnb) which we have to ourselves. What an amazing village. Every building is built of stone. Many were built in the 1800s with some older (a 12th Century church) and some newer.

 We went for a walk around the village and couldn't keep the camera still. Just one amazing photo after another. Back to “The Muse” for dinner – salad, baked vegetables and a nut-loaf 'thing' that we picked up in the supermarket yesterday.

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