Saturday 19th August – Letterkenny to Derry

Started off with a 'wild goose chase' this morning. We had decided to drive up the western side of Lough Swill to Ruthmullen and catch the ferry across to Buncrana before heading up to Malin Head, Ireland’s most northerly point. As the ferry only went every hour twenty minutes we made sure we were there for the first trip of the day at 9:40am. 9:40 came and no sign of the ferry. A lady behind us checked on the website to find out that the ferry had been cancelled because of rough seas. Oops!!! This added about an hour to our day as we had to drive back to Letterkenny and up the eastern side of Lough Swill. By the time we got to Buncrana we were hanging out for a coffee. When we were waiting for the ferry I was chatting to a gentleman who recommended that we go via the Gap of Mamore once we leave Buncrana. Why not!! And what a beautiful drive it was with spectacular scenery as we crossed the top of the mountain. To add to the interest they were running a marathon which just happened to come over the gap. Runners everywhere. We saw one runner numbered 967 so goodness knows how many there were.

Gap of Mamore
Malin Head was an interesting spot. Very windswept today. Apparently, it features in the latest Star Wars Movie. It has quite a few concrete structures around dating back to World War II. Has also EIRE set out in large letters (white rocks) apparently to inform World War II German Aircraft that they were now flying over neutral Ireland and to leave us alone.

Back to Ballygorman for lunch at a very well rated Trip Advisor Sea Food Restaurant and Bar. Great views over the water and my Crab Mornay was pretty good but Jill was underwhelmed with her fish. In fact, we haven’t had what we would consider a great fish dinner since we’ve been here. The consistency is rather “soapy”, almost slimy. Perhaps that’s the way the Irish like it?

From Ballygorman we drove across to the Moville on the western shore of Lough Foyle and down the eastern coast of the  Inishowen Peninsula, crossing the Northern Ireland border (not sure at what particular point – certainly no gate or anything. No doubt that will all change when Brexit becomes a reality) into Derry. Stopped at an ATM to get some Pounds Sterling before driving on to our AirBnB for the night just south of Derry. As usual, we had trouble finding our accommodation, made worse because our phone was not working. We were in a different country, weren't we!! I thought our Irish SIM would work in Northern Ireland as well which eventually it did. Apparently, it needed some time to think about it.

Settled in and had a chat with Majella before heading back into Derry for dinner at the Gate Bistro. What an easy city to get around in. Mind you it is Saturday but we found a car park in the street about 100 metres from where we ate. Unbelievable!! Dinner was nice too. We shared a duck dinner and a prawn dish.

Tomorrow we do the walking tour of the walled city of Derry. It's called both Derry and Londonderry, I guess depending on your political persuasion. While officially its Londonderry most people and certainly those from south of the border call it Derry.
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